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2022 Team Building Event: The ETB Team Connects in Alberta, Canada

After nearly three years, the Energy Toolbase team came together for an off-site team-building event in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. ETB’s parent company, Pason Systems, is headquartered in Calgary, along with one of our Engineering Offices and Acumen EMS lab. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lengthy stay-at-home orders, teams were unable to get together and strictly relied on Teams and Zoom to communicate. Our team was ready to meet once again for some face-to-face time and discuss where our company is headed. Some of us even tested out our acting skills…

And the Oscar goes to…

At Energy Toolbase, our ultimate goal is to create intuitive products that energy professionals can use to deploy more projects. ETB customers touch several departments throughout their project journey; from Sales and Utility Rates to Customer Success and Operations – we pride ourselves on creating the best possible customer journey and providing stellar customer service for anyone that utilizes our products. Because of our customer-focused approach, we figured it’d be fitting to role-play the entire customer journey at our off-site event. The role-play activity was the perfect opportunity to better understand how various positions in each department connect with our customers. We also used role-playing to find new ways each team member and department can continue to improve, as every one of our team members and departments are equally as instrumental to ETB’s overall growth and success.  While there was a lot of fun to be had, where acting is concerned… we’re all going to be sticking to our day jobs. 


ETB visits Banff National Park

The team couldn’t leave Calgary without a visit to one of the most famous and beautiful national parks. A lot of the team hails from the South, where mountain views and snow are few and far between. The gondola ride up to Banff National Park allowed the team to take in all the breathtaking views and hike up to some of the mountain’s most scenic peaks, complete with snowfall, blistering winds, and temperatures that dipped down into the 30s. We definitely got the full Canadian experience! We ended the day with a team happy hour and dinner at an amazing mountain-top restaurant that offered 360° views of the snowy mountainside and sunset. We believe that spending quality time outside work hours and getting to know each other is the best way to build relationships and connections, especially as most of us connect via Teams regularly. 


What’s next for ETB?

This team off-site event solidified that Energy Toolbase is, and will continue to be, a leader in the renewable industry. We’re excited about several announcements in the coming months, including our brand-new website that was recently launched. Thenew website tells the story of our product suite (ETB Developer, Acumen EMSTM, and ETB Monitor) and highlights what our products can do for developers looking to model and deploy solar and energy storage projects from pencil out to power on. 

In addition, the ETB Developer platform is seeing some significant updates. We are launching ourfinancial integrations feature which allows users to instantly generate financing quotes from our integrated financing partners directly inside the ETB Developer platform. This will streamline generating an indicative quote and expedite the iterative process of right-sizing the project.Green Bridge Energy and Sustainable Capital are the first two partners that are live on the platform. ETB Developer will also gain additional energy storage integrations this year, including Yotta Energy, and other new features such as the lead close-out process, making for an increasingly efficient experience on the platform.  

OurAcumen EMS™ andETB Monitor products are being deployed across the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America, and we’ll be sure to share the most significant updates on our deployments directly with you as they come.  


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