Case Studies

Acumen EMS™ Deployed at a New York Car Dealership to Enable Participation in Demand Response Programs and Provide Backup Power

Project Summary


Bedford Hills, New York

ESS Provider


System size


Deployment Date

February 2024

Facility type

Car Dealership

EMS Application

Demand Charge Management

The Challenge

Sprocket Power, a Katonah, New York-based project developer, was working with a customer in New York State, which historically has a constrained grid and system, requiring utility infrastructure upgrades. The customer, a large car dealership, was looking to install solar, energy storage, and EV chargers and participate in various grid service demand response programs, including Con Edison’s Commercial System Relief Program (ConEd CSRP) and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority’s Distribution Load Relief Program (NYSERDA DLRP), which would cover the cost of the upgrades, contribute to their energy efficiency goals, and more substantially support the grid. Sprocket Power was looking for a battery and EMS partner that could support the participation in these programs and also provide a resiliency option to power on-site computer servers and other small loads.

The Solution

Sprocket Power had modeled the economics of this solar and energy storage project in the ETB Developer platform and was familiar with ETB’s battery integrations with leading ESS hardware manufacturers. ETB’s expert knowledge of these products enabled them to recommend the best solution to meet the needs of this complex project. Sprocket installed a Socomec SUNSYS HES L unit, paired with Acumen EMS™ controls software alongside a 52-kW solar system, with the primary controls application being Demand Charge Management. Acumen controls software enables participation in demand response programs, specifically ConEd CSRP and NYSERDA DRLP, through scheduled commands on the ETB Monitor platform. Acumen can also change programs as needed after a system is installed, making it more versatile. The system is Energy Toolbase’s first fully commissioned system with a controlled islanding capability in New York.

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