March 2024 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we cover updates to SDG&E’s rates, explore Arizona Public Service’s (APS) recent rate case, overview a new Energy Use Profile feature for supply-related exports, and share our quarterly numbers.

February 2024 Utility Rates Newsletter

This month we cover rate cases for Idaho Power, Public Service Company of New Mexico, and Con Edison, highlight the addition of Hawaiian Electric’s Shift & Save rates to our database, and explain the difference between PG&E’s B-1 and B-6 rate schedules.

January 2024 Utility Rates Newsletter

IMPORTANT MONTHLY UPDATES & ANNOUNCEMENTS This month, we break down Duke Energy North Carolina’s rate overhaul, demonstrate how we handle the ACC export values for the California IOUs, highlight a new EUP feature to make calculating RTP values easier, and explain how to ensure that interval data usage matches the …

December 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this newsletter, we’ll look at a new pilot program with changing TOU periods for Hawaiian Electric utilities, cover how to edit the export energy rate from the Proposal page, look at anticipated rate increases for the new year, and share our 2023 numbers.

November 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

This month, we cover a 22% base rate increase for New York State Electric & Gas, highlight a name change for East Bay Community Energy in California, explain pre- and post-solar rates for Turlock Irrigation District, and discuss overlapping TOU periods and how to work with them in ETB.

October 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

IMPORTANT MONTHLY UPDATES & ANNOUNCEMENTS October is over, so we’re doing a roundup of the most important utility and rate updates and announcements! This month, we cover the comprehensive multi-year rate case for Duke Energy Progress NC as well as explain what demand ratchets are, how they work, and new …

September 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

This month, we look at San Diego Gas & Electric’s new Critical Peak Pricing rate schedule, cover updates to Tucson Electric Power, Pacific Gas & Electric, and Oncor, provide ways to troubleshoot issues with bill totals, and share our Q3 numbers.

August 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

This month, we cover updates to Georgia Power and Con Edison, highlight significant rate increases for Eskom customers in South Africa, and explain what rate adjustments are and how we include them in our rate schedules.

July 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

IMPORTANT MONTHLY UPDATES & ANNOUNCEMENTS This month, we explain NV Energy’s new time-of-use (TOU) periods, cover updates in Pacific Gas & Electric’s (PG&E) most recent advice letter, highlight an assortment of rate updates and new utilities, and explain the role of attributes when selecting a rate in ETB. NV Energy’s …