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Optimizing the Economics of Commercial Solar + Storage: Showcasing our Enterprise Services team’s ‘Proposal Service’

Energy Toolbase formally launched our Enterprise Services consulting division in May of this year, where our team of experts offers a range of design and consulting services for commercial solar and storage projects. Our team has delivered roughly 50 client engagements over the last six months, working with a range of customers, including Fortune 500 corporate customers, facility managers, solar and storage project developers, and financiers.  

Our most popular product/engagement is our “Economic Site Optimization – Proposal Service,” where our team of experts performs a comprehensive techno-economic analysis for a specific facility, rigorously evaluating all aspects of the project and designing a series of optimized system proposals. Over the last six months, our team has continuously refined and iterated our final delivered web proposal template, which we provide a complete work sample here. This blog highlights key features and sections of our final delivered Proposal Service work product.  

Summary of Runs: comparing key metrics of different scenarios

Every “Proposal Service” starts with a ‘Summary of Runs,’ which provides an overview of the key financial metrics from our team’s optimized designs. The Summary of Runs is presented in a concise 1-page format, enabling the client to compare technology configurations, such as solar only and solar + storage, against one another on an apples-to-apples basis. 


Utility Bill Savings: transparent breakdown of avoided cost

The ETB Services team specializes in precisely quantifying bill savings (a.k.a. avoided cost) based on the utility rate tariff and Net Energy Metering (NEM) framework specifics on the client meter. Our proposal template dedicates several pages to the client’s energy usage profile, utility bill cost (before), utility bill cost (after), and utility bill savings (shown below), which offers a transparent breakdown of where savings are coming from, how bill savings vary from month-to-month, and cumulative savings over time.  

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PV System Design: tailored to client guidance

The Proposal Service includes a preliminary solar PV layout design, which is produced based on client guidance. This personalized approach ensures that the proposed system aligns seamlessly with the client’s vision, maximizing efficiency and aesthetic appeal. As documented in our appendix, our default is to adhere to California CAL FIRE and the International Code Council International Fire Code (IFC) guidelines, which specify PV requirements for roof access, perimeter and interior pathways, and smoke ventilation options. This general mirrors industry best practices when designing preliminary solar PV system layouts. 

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Appendix Sections: full transparency and documentation

In this spirit of complete transparency, our Proposal Service template includes several appendices that document all project inputs, outputs, and assumptions and provide written documentation of our design standards and methods. We are continuously adding to these appendices based on client requests in an effort to foster a relationship built on trust and openness. 

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Schedule a Discovery Call to discover your potential project.

ETB Enterprise Services invites interested parties to schedule a free, no-commitment discovery call to facilitate a deeper understanding of our Economic Site Optimization – Proposal Service and explore how it may apply to your specific project. Our Proposal Service intro deck provides a more fulsome summary of our Scope of Work.  The standard Proposal Service fee is a modest $500 per meter, and our guaranteed competition time is five business days or less.  

Our Proposal Service has received rave reviews from clients who value our transparency, objectivity, and ability to stay closely involved throughout the process, guiding design decisions, inputs, and assumptions used in the analysis. Schedule a no-cost, no-obligation Discovery Call to maximize the full potential of your C&I solar + storage project. ETB Enterprise Services looks forward to collaborating with your team. 

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