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Maximizing Value from Distributed Energy Resources with Value Stacking 

In the world of energy management systems (EMS), Energy Toolbase’s Acumen EMS™ is pivotal for maximizing the economic benefits of solar and energy storage systems through several strategies, one being value stacking. Value stacking involves leveraging multiple revenue streams from a single distributed energy resource (DER) asset, such as solar panels or battery storage systems, to enhance efficiency, profitability, and sustainability in commercial and industrial (C&I) operations. Rather than utilizing these assets for a single purpose, value stacking integrates various functionalities to maximize their economic potential.  

Value Stacking with Acumen EMS

Acumen EMS excels in integrating diverse energy management functionalities to optimize DER performance across different applications. Acumen EMS can employ several strategies simultaneously, prioritizing the most advantageous one at any moment. Here are just a few value streams that can be effectively combined through Acumen EMS: 

  1. Demand Charge Management: Acumen EMS integrates with advanced energy storage technologies to store excess energy during off-peak hours and release it during peak demand, effectively reducing demand-related expenses for C&I entities. 
  1. Time-of-use Energy Arbitrage: Using sophisticated algorithms, Acumen EMS can analyze real-time market conditions to store energy when rates are lowest and discharge energy during higher-priced periods, further enhancing financial outcomes. 
  1. Demand Response Participation: By participating in DR programs, Acumen EMS minimizes operational disruptions while maximizing financial benefits through strategic energy consumption adjustments.  

Check out these site deployments that utilize Acumen EMS to prioritize value stacking: 

Value stacking is crucial for maximizing the value of your DER assets. By integrating advanced technologies and strategic management practices, Acumen EMS empowers businesses to navigate today’s energy complexities effectively. Schedule a call with us to learn more about how Acumen EMS can leverage your energy assets to maximize value stacking.