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Empowering the Energy Industry with Energy Toolbase: Celebrating 10 Years!

In the dynamic landscape of renewable energy, where innovation and sustainability are paramount, tools that facilitate seamless integration and analysis are invaluable. For ten years,Energy Toolbase has empowered the renewable energy sector and driven changes in the software space, and we are now celebrating our 10th anniversary! In February 2014, Energy Toolbase jumped into the (then) solar-only market, providing a software platform for modeling the avoided cost of projects. At the heart of Energy Toolbase’s mission is a commitment to harnessing the power of data to solve a problem that has long existed in the industry, all while delivering best-in-class customer service. Since our company’s founding in 2014, our core principles of accuracy, objectivity, and transparency have guided our products and team to where we are today. 

Created and founded by President John Gurski, theETB Developer financial analysis tool came to be when he noticed that the industry, and his own workflow, lacked a tool that could precisely model the economics of these complex projects. That’s when he began creating a software solution that would do intricate analysis for him. In 2014, after 18 months of development, he launched what became known as ETB Developer. Since then, the ‘ETB’ brand has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of the solar and energy storage industry, as well as the requirements of the developers driving its growth, continuously adding new features, functionalities, and products to do so.  


We now offer a comprehensive suite of software tools designed to streamline the analysis and implementation of renewable energy projects and allow developers to model, control, and monitor projects all in one place. In 2019, Energy Toolbase merged with Pason Power, which launched its version of an energy management system (EMS) and monitoring platform. This merger brought together all three product offerings under the Energy Toolbase name to boast an integrated ecosystem that not only facilitates modeling but also enables users to control and monitor both bill savings and grid service revenues. This approach ensures seamless management of energy resources while maximizing the potential for financial optimization.  

ETB Developer,Acumen EMS™, andETB Monitor all work together to help developers make informed decisions and optimize the performance of solar and energy storage projects. By offering a centralized platform for project modeling, financial analysis, and performance tracking, the company is reshaping the way renewable energy professionals approach their work. As of 2024, the ETB Developer platform is used by more than 2,500 renewable energy professionals to model projects with more than 5,000 proposals created each week, Acumen EMS™ is deployed and contracted on more than 60 Megawatt-hours (MWh) of energy storage capacity in 4 countries, and we’re rapidly expanding. We have also expanded our offering toEnterprise Services where we provide design, consulting, and advisory services performed by ETB’s team of domain experts. We analyze, validate, and optimize all aspects of your solar + storage project(s) 


What’s ahead for Energy Toolbase?

As we venture into another ten years, we are excited to continue to innovate our product offerings and provide improvements that will help grow the renewable industry, specifically our Acumen Engine. Leveraging the innovative Acumen Engine developed in-house by Energy Toolbase, our platform empowers users to effectively model a wide array of value streams, including Demand Response Programs (DR), Time of Use Arbitrage (TOU-arb), and Demand Charge Management (DCM). The Acumen Engine dynamically optimizes bill savings and additional revenue streams, allowing users to swiftly visualize a realistic battery dispatch profile that co-optimizes bill savings and DR, a capability unprecedented in the industry. 

The groundbreakingengine we developed in 2023 is undergoing rapid expansion, exemplified by the swift launch of the first DR program mere weeks into the new year. Our capacity to model a diverse range of programs is rapidly proliferating, paralleled by our enhanced capability to accurately simulate Net Energy Metering (NEM) frameworks across the U.S. in 2024. Energy Toolbase stands as the pinnacle of comprehensive and powerful simulation, execution, and calculation engines within the industry. These newfound capabilities significantly broaden its scope and usability, providing invaluable support to contractors and developers nationwide in modeling, deploying, and monitoring their solar and storage assets. 

We are excited about another decade of serving our customers and growing our product suite! Thank you for being a part of our journey.  


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