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Energy Toolbase Sponsors and Participates in this year’s (DOE) Department of Energy – Solar District Cup Competition

 Energy Toolbase is excited to announce our participation and sponsorship in this year’sU.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar District Cup Collegiate Design Competition. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy state that “the Solar District Cup challenges multidisciplinary student teams to design and model optimized distributed energy systems for a campus or urban district. These systems integrate solar, storage, and other technologies across mixed-use districts, which are groups of buildings served by a common electrical distribution feeder. The competition engages students in the engineering, urban planning, finance, and related disciplines to reimagine how energy is generated, managed, and used in a district.” 

In this year’s 2021-2022 competition, Energy Toolbase is providing their industry-leading software modeling platform, ETB Developer, for competitors to use in performing utility rate and solar + storage financial analysis. All Solar District Cup teams will be given a complimentary account to model, optimize and propose their projects, based on their specific project use case. The ETB Developer platform is widely considered the gold standard modeling tool within the commercial & industrial (C&I) segment to perform accurate, objective and transparent avoided cost and financial analysis. Additionally, the Energy Toolbase team will be providing training and office hour sessions for competitors to leverage the tool’s full capabilities.  

“Our industry needs as many bright, young minds as possible to help carry out the energy transition underway. We’re excited to work with the teams at DOE and NREL and lend our modeling tool to this year’s Cup competitors” said Adam Gerza, VP of Business Development for Energy Toolbase. “We view our participation as workforce development. It’s neat to know that ETB will be used to help train up the next generation of solar + storage developers.” 

This year’s competition features 65 student-led teams, including Columbia University, Cornell University, Notre Dame, New York University, and Carnegie Mellon University. This year’s cup kicked off in September of 2021 and will run through April of 2022. Other Cup sponsors that are providing resources and tools includeHeatSpring,Solar Power Events, and Aurora Solar. 



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