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Introducing the new Energy Toolbase Pre-Proposal Service

Every solar + energy storage project analysis starts with a detailed account of energy consumption. A proposal cannot move forward without this, which at ETB, we call an Energy Use Profile. To accurately recreate this, 365 days of energy consumption and demand data, a full year of utility bills and energy supplier charges, and an in-depth understanding of your customer’s rate tariff and NEM rules are needed. This process can be time-consuming and error-prone if you’re not a rate expert, particularly in deregulated markets. If this step isn’t done properly and thoroughly, the entire financial analysis will be compromised.  

That’s why we’re introducing our newETB Pre-Proposal Service. This service is designed to take the guesswork out of recreating your customer’s energy use profile and save time, time that could be spent selling more projects. By your request, our team of in-house utility rates experts precisely reconstructs and validates a full year of your customer’s energy consumption, cost of energy, rate schedule, and NEM details. This provides you the certainty that the solar + storage analysis you ran in ETB Developer is exact. Over the years, our team has analyzed thousands of bills worldwide and has become acquainted with various rate structures, billing scenarios, and metering policies and is now offering their expertise to our users.

How to request the Pre-Proposal Service in ETB Developer

To take advantage of the Pre-Proposal Service, it is as simple as a few clicks: 

1. Submit the request to our experts via the ‘Energy Use Profile’ workflow within your lead:


2. On the request form, provide our team with some utility rate and meter details. We will also need supporting documentation to be sure your request is completed with the utmost accuracy. 


3. Once your request has been submitted, you can track its progress using the status bar and review your request details at any time. If our team has any questions regarding your request, they will reach out to you via email to confirm any key details.  

4. When your request is completed, we will notify you of the published request and provide any additional information you may need to know about your completed Energy Use Profile, Rate Schedule, or NEM details.  

Watch to learn more about this new service:

Please reach out to our Utility Rates team directly with any questions Your account manager can also help you navigate and utilize this new service offering. 

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