Case Studies

Acumen EMS Deployed at Costa Rica Lab to Reduce Energy and Demand Charges

Acumen EMS Deployed at Costa Rica Lab to Reduce Energy and Demand Charges
Project Summary


San José, Costa Rica

ESS Provider

BYD Panama

System size

120 kW/266 kWh (1) site

Deployment Date

November 2022

Facility type

Pharmaceutical Lab

EMS Application

Demand Charge Management & TOU Arbitrage

The Challenge

Laboratorios Calox, a pharmaceutical laboratory located in San José, Costa Rica expressed interest in adopting a new approach to optimize their electric bill savings by deploying a behind-the-meter energy storage system (ESS). Committed to sustainability and renewable energy, Laboratorios Calox selected Sunshine Energy Corp, one of Costa Rica’s leading solar developers, to support them in procuring and installing the ESS. Sunshine Energy Corp sought a solution whose provider could deliver on time and offer support throughout the project lifecycle. Additionally, Calox communicated that they wanted to mitigate the impact of future electric rate increases and that they wanted a solution without charging restrictions. 

The Solution

Sunshine connected with BYD Panama, who is a direct storage – hardware partner of Energy Toolbase, to procure a turn-key energy storage system. The system was sold to combat high demand charges, high “on-peak” energy charges, and serve as a proactive solution that could overall improve economics and savings at the facility. At the Laboratorios Calox, Sunshine Energy deployed a BYD CHESS 120 kW, 2-hour energy storage system equipped with Energy Toolbase’s Acumen EMSTM controls software. In addition to demand charge management and Time-of-use arbitrage, the Acumen-controlled ESS is able to participate in demand response programs, scheduled through the ETB Monitor platform. To optimize bill savings, the Acumen EMS is programmed to charge during low-priced “off-peak” periods. 

For more information about our Acumen EMS energy storage integration with BYD, click here. 

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