Case Studies

City of Albuquerque Deploys Solar + Storage across multiple sites via competitive RFP bid

City of Albuquerque Deploys Solar + Storage across multiple sites via competitive RFP bid
Project Summary


Albuquerque, New Mexico

ESS Provider

Delta & Energport

System size

940kWh across 5 sites

Deployment Date

Q3 2020

Facility type

Library, police station, botanical gardens, health center, museum

EMS Application

Demand Charge Management

The Challenge

Rio Grande Renewables, a New Mexico-based project developer was awarded a portfolio of projects via a competitive bid for the City of Albuquerque. The projects required a flexible (EMS) Energy Management System controls provider that could optimize ESS paired with solar PV across multiple sites, with various load profiles. The portfolio required the EMS provider to integrate with multiple ESS hardware solutions and operate within certain jurisdictional constraints, such as no exports to grid. Furthermore, it was a requirement that all the systems be accessible under a common monitoring platform to track performance and savings.

The Solution

Energy Toolbase’s Acumen EMS™ software was deployed across five sites, working with two different ESS hardware providers in Phase I of the RFP. The primary controls application was Demand Charge Management, where Acumen EMS™ leverages its industry-leading machine learning algorithms to forecast load, shave peaks and maximize value capture. All of the systems were configured for curtailment avoidance to meet the requirements of the local utility company. Multiple other EMS providers backed away from the project in the face of unique requirements, which ETB embraces head-on. After successfully deploying the original five sites, ETB was called back to deploy similar systems on two additional projects with the City of Albuquerque. 

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