Case Studies

Law School in San Francisco Installs Energy Storage System with ETB Controller 

Project Summary


San Francisco, CA

ESS Provider


Combined System size

63 kW/140 kWh

Deployment Date

November 2024

Facility type

Academic Building

EMS Application

Demand Charge Management and TOU Arbitrage

The Challenge

Yotta Energywas looking for a solution for a San Francisco law school to reduce high electricity costs by targeting demand charges. Despite having a 221kW solar system, the school struggled with energy management, facing high utility charges and missed opportunities for savings. The law school turned to Yotta for the procurement and installation of an advanced energy storage solution (ESS). Yotta and Energy Toolbase had a long-standing relationship and swiftly worked to integrate Yotta’s SolarLEAF ESS with ETB Controller and Acumen AI™ to support the facility in achieving savings. Because ETB Controller integrates directly with Yotta batteries, the purchase and installation process is streamlined and efficient. The addition of advanced energy management software like ETB Controller could optimize the ESS by reducing the site’s peak demand to significantly lower electricity costs. 

The Solution

Yotta connected with Redaptive, an Energy-as-a-Service provider and financier, to facilitate the customer’s purchase of the system. Together with Energy Toolbase, Yotta deployed a 63kW/140kWh SolarLEAF ESS integrated with ETB Controller and Acumen AI to address high demand charges and costly on-peak energy rates through demand charge management and time-of-use (TOU) arbitrage. With demand charge management, ETB Controller forecasts demand loads and strategically reduces those loads during peak periods by dispatching the battery to shave the site’s peak demand when it crosses a calculated threshold. Also, ETB Controller can engage in TOU arbitrage by optimizing energy management to charge the ESS during low-cost periods and discharge when prices are higher to maximize savings. The end customer can monitor the system in real time using Energy Toolbase’s ETB Monitor, which provides insight into the system’s performance and savings to ensure optimal operations. This deployment highlights the strong partnership between Energy Toolbase and Yotta Energy, which was formalized in 2024.