Case Studies

Nexamp Deploys Acumen EMS™ at a Solar Farm to Mitigate Demand Charges and Decrease Utility Costs for Local Residents

Nexamp Deploys Acumen EMS™ at a Solar Farm to Mitigate Demand Charges and Decrease Utility Costs for Local Residents
Project Summary


Deerfield, Massachusetts

ESS Provider


System size

1,000 kW/2,192 kWh

Deployment Date

February 2023

Facility type

Community Solar Farm

EMS Application

Demand Charge Management

The Challenge

Nexamp, an industry-leading developer in the Northeast, was looking to add an energy storage system to one of its several front-of-the-meter community solar farms in Massachusetts. This specific solar farm allows local residents to subscribe to receive credits on their electric utility bill for energy produced by their solar farm share and is billed for the value of those credits at a fixed discount. The Nexamp team was looking for a storage solution that could control every aspect of the energy storage system, from energy capture to strategic discharge, which was critical for them in maximizing the value and impact of this developing technology. The system would also need to be able to participate in both the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) and Clean Peak Standard programs.

The Solution

Energy Toolbase was able to provide an all-in-one, DC-coupled energy storage system comprised of four Sungrow units, controlled entirely by Acumen EMS™ software totaling 1,000 kilowatts (kW). The system will participate in a demand charge management control strategy which will mitigate high demand charges, and for those residents subscribed to the solar farm, it will increase credits and value. It also has the ability to leverage the SMART and Clean Peak Standard programs that were requested by Nexamp. By utilizing Energy Toolbase’s storage offering, Nexamp was able to ensure its customer that they could deliver on the promised benefits of the system. 

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