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In the News

It may be surprising to know that the vast majority of California homeowners buying energy storage systems today are not
The market for solar PV design software has opened up significantly in the past five years. New offerings have taken
Net Energy Metering 2.0, or NEM 2.0 for short, is now the law of the land, at least in SCE
At the heart of a solar + storage system is a battery, but that heart can't beat without it's brain
As the solar industry matures, it finds better ways to do things. Many solar-specific software options are coming to the
Energy Toolbase packed the demo stage with attendees who wanted to hear more about its new energy storage software. Energy
Today we're chatting with James Coombes, manager of American Renewable Capital. James has over twenty years of financial advisory experience,
Spoiler alert: You make money installing solar in the Midwest the same way you do anywhere else. Bummer, huh? So
The C&I solar sector is maturing and with it, third-party ownership is on the rise. A critical component to design
This week I spent time with John Gurski, the young and hungry CEO of Energy Toolbase. While I was familiar

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