WEBINAR: What Will NEM-3 Mean for Commercial Solar + Storage Projects in California
- Sarah Wood
- California net metering, campaign-122718, NEM-3, Net metering, top posts
The looming NEM-3 decision has the potential to dramatically reshape the economics of solar + storage projects in California. The investor-owned utilities (IOUs) have proposed radical changes that would severely erode the value of customer-sited solar. While the end outcome on NEM-3 is yet to be finalized, we now have a strong indication of where the value of exported energy may land as a result of the CPUC’s recent decision on the Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC). The ACC measures the cost-effectiveness of distributed energy resources and will be used to determine the value of rooftop solar.
In this webinar, we review the major elements of the IOU’s NEM-3 proposals, including (1) the reduced exports values as determined by the ACC, (2) Grid Benefits Charge (GBC) which seeks to levy a fixed charge based on solar system size, and (3) instantaneous time-of-use (TOU) netting and monthly true-ups. We will quantify the impact of these changes on C&I PV+ESS projects, and show how NEM-2 vs. NEM-3 project economics compare. With the final NEM-3 decision expected in the next 6 months, and implementation scheduled to begin in less than a year, now is the time for C&I developers to get fully educated on what it all means.