Navigating the 2025 California Solar + Energy Storage Market: The Key Updates and Accurately Modeling them with Energy Toolbase

Summary: As 2025 draws closer, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve by knowing what changes are coming to California’s solar and energy market. This webinar walks you through the key updates for California solar and storage in 2025 and how to model these changes in ETB Developer, our powerful modeling and analyzing tool […]
Empowering Grid Services in ETB Developer: Model Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS)

We now offer a Demand Side Grid Support (DSGS) incentive option in ETB Developer. ETB Developer users can now effortlessly model Incentive Option 3 of the DSGS program and begin tapping into this additional revenue stream.
How Utility Rate Inflation Impacts Energy Storage Viability
As energy markets constantly change, utility rate inflation remains a significant driver of change, creating challenges and opportunities for consumers and businesses alike. One notable shift is the erosion of value for standalone photovoltaic (PV) systems under the NEM 3.0 framework.
Demand Response in California with Energy Toolbase
Demand response is a value stream targeted by energy storage systems and involves shifting or reducing power during peak periods when the grid is significantly strained. De mand response works to balance the grid and manage the supply and demand of electricity, helping to avoid power outages caused by overconsumption …