An Overview of Fixed Threshold vs. Dynamic Threshold Shaving Controls
Energy Toolbase’s Acumen EMS™ dynamic control software makes a compelling case for any energy storage system, offering more benefits than its fixed control counterparts. We ran simulations on various thresholds for fixed controls and compared them with dynamic controls to demonstrate the difference in value capture between these strategies.
Energy Toolbase – BYD Energy Storage Integration Resource Guide
Energy Toolbase has integrated BYD’s (Build Your Dreams) energy storage solutions onto the Energy Toolbase (ETB) Platform. This integration enables ETB users to run energy storage dispatch simulations and savings analysis that are representative of how BYD Energy Storage Systems (ESS) products controlled by the Energy Toolbase Acumen EMS™ controller would operate in the field.
Energy Toolbase Integrates its Controls Software with BYD’s Energy Storage Solution
Energy Toolbase has integrated its energy storage controls software with BYD (Build Your Dreams), a global leader in battery and energy storage technology. As part of the integration Energy Toolbase will add BYD to its sales and modeling platform, enabling renewable energy developers to seamlessly analyze and propose the economics of BYD energy storage projects, either standalone or paired with solar photovoltaic systems.