NEM-3 is Delayed Once Again as the CPUC Asks for Input Prior to Issuing a Final Decision
After a nearly 5-month stretch of silence, there has finally been some development of the heavily followed NEM-3 proceeding. California’s successor net energy metering (NEM) tariff will undoubtedly reduce the value of solar, the questions that remain are by how much and how quickly.
Energy Toolbase’s Summary of the CPUC’s NEM-3 Proposed Decision (PD) – Key Issues to Know
On December 13 th the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) issued their highly anticipated Proposed Decision (PD) on California’s successor net metering tariff: NEM-3. The PD proposed to radically overhaul the state’s current Net Metering program, most notably by slashing the export compensation rate and basing it on Avoided Cost …
How the CPUC’s ruling on Grid Benefits Charges (GBCs) in the NEM-3 decision will affect the outcome
With the looming decision on California’s new Net Energy Metering tariff “NEM-3” expected shortly, we’ve been keeping our users up to date on where the proceeding stands and highlighting important aspects that project developers need to be aware of.
The Glidepath: How Smooth will the Transition from NEM-2 to NEM-3 be in California?
The CPUC is expected to render a Proposed Decision in the all-important “NEM-3” successor net energy metering (NEM) tariff proceeding within a couple of months.