PG&E implementing new ‘B’ rates on November 1, 2019

Pacific Gas & Electric is the last of the three main California investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to implement rate changes that are a result of their 2017-2019 General Rate Case (GRC). Every three years the IOUs are required to submit a formal proposal to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) addressing …

WEBINAR: Modeling the Economics of Residential Energy Storage in California

Summary: The residential energy storage market in California is growing with the assistance of declining battery prices and more “storage friendly” rate schedules. This webinar overviews all the factors playing into residential storage in California including SGIP, the SB700 extension, new SGIP requirements and the best/worst rate schedules in the three IOU’S (PG&E, SCE, SDG&E) […]

SCE’s “Final Decision” Rates, Part 1: Residential Rate Changes

Like the other three big IOU’s (Pacific Gas & Electric and San Diego Gas & Electric) Southern California Edison is in the process of rolling out new rates for its commercial, residential and agriculture customers. These new rates mean some big changes for solar and energy storage projects in that …

WEBINAR: Breaking down SCE’s final decision rates

Summary: Southern California Edison (SCE) is in the process of rolling out new rates for its residential, commercial and agriculture customers. These new rates will have a significant impact on the economics of solar and energy storage projects, driven largely by the fact that the “on-peak” time-of-use (TOU) periods are shifting much later in the […]

PG&E’s “Final Decision” Rates, Part 2: Commercial Rates

It’s not news to anyone that Pacific Gas & Electric is, and has been, in the process of finalizing new residential, commercial and agriculture rates for nearly three years. Finally, in October of 2019, these “final decision” rates will be implemented and be available on a voluntary basis. While the …

WEBINAR: Breaking down PG&E’s 2019 Proposed Rates

Summary: Like the other big investor-owned utilities (IOU) in California, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) will begin implementing its new time-of-use (TOU) rates this year. PG&E is the largest utility territory in the U.S., with more than 5.5 million customers served, meaning its rate design changes sets an important precedent nationwide. PG&E’s rates have not […]

WEBINAR: Utility Rates State of the Union

Summary: There are a lot of factors that come into play when it comes to the economics of solar and storage projects. From incentives to equipment and your location, all of these things play a role. But one thing that tops that list is utility rate schedules. They are time-consuming to comprehend and always changing […]

Evaluating the best residential time-of-use rate schedules in California for energy storage

Homeowners are installing energy storage systems (ESS) in their homes for different reasons. The residential energy storage market is continuing to ramp up on a hockey-stick shaped growth trajectory. According to Wood Mackenzie’s Q3 2018 U.S. Energy Storage Monitor report, the residential segment added 57.5 MWh of storage capacity nationwide last quarter, which is more than the 39.8 MWh installed all last year. The report also shows that California continues to be the leading state for storage deployments in the residential sector.