April 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we highlight two utilities (NV Energy in Nevada and Pasadena Water and Power in California) that implemented significant increases to their fuel-related charges. We discuss new rate restructurings for Jacksonville Energy Authority and incoming rate hikes due to its involvement with Plant Vogtle in Georgia. Lastly, we explain how to determine your customer’s rate schedule after going solar with PG&E.

March 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we take a deep dive into Georgia Power’s net metering (NEM) changes, rate increases, and future updates. We also highlight a new popular global rate available for LUMA Energy users in Puerto Rico, and we explain an increasingly common charge type that we utilize in our rates.

February 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we dive into San Diego Gas & Electric’s 1/1/2023 rate update, highlight a new residential SDG&E rate, and cover rate updates for Sacramento Municipal Utility District and several Oregon utilities. We also detail the addition of new NEM 3.0 rate versions in California’s IOUs and CCAs.

August 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter

In the August 2022 Energy Toolbase Utility Rates Newsletter we break down continued Illinois utility updates, Texas utility updates and rate increases, upcoming rates training sessions, plus more…

July 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter

In the Energy Toolbase July 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter, we are breaking down the Ameren Illinois updates, NY & NJ base rate updates, plus more…

Energy Toolbase April 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter

Spring is in the air, and many electric utilities are changing with the seasons. April marks the start of the second quarter of the year, which means many utilities will likely update their electric rates. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll highlight significant rate changes implemented by major utilities in Colorado and California.

Our Inaugural (Monthly) ETB Utility Rates Newsletter

We’re excited to announce the launch of our ETB Utility Rates Newsletter. Our team plans to publish this once monthly throughout 2021 and it will include all things utility rates, including significant rate changes we’re seeing utilities implement, statistics on our ever-expanding rates database, rates FAQ’s from our userbase, and …