April 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we highlight two utilities (NV Energy in Nevada and Pasadena Water and Power in California) that implemented significant increases to their fuel-related charges. We discuss new rate restructurings for Jacksonville Energy Authority and incoming rate hikes due to its involvement with Plant Vogtle in Georgia. Lastly, we explain how to determine your customer’s rate schedule after going solar with PG&E.

Proposing Solar + Storage Projects in Deregulated Energy Markets Just Got Easier

The Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) was enacted to encourage competition for electric generation and electricity conservation and is credited with spurring the deregulated energy market framework. PURPA served to give customers more choices and promote renewable and energy conservation efforts. Deregulated energy markets expanded further with the passage of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), which introduced initiatives to increase energy efficiency and maximize the use of clean energy.

March 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we take a deep dive into Georgia Power’s net metering (NEM) changes, rate increases, and future updates. We also highlight a new popular global rate available for LUMA Energy users in Puerto Rico, and we explain an increasingly common charge type that we utilize in our rates.

February 2023 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we dive into San Diego Gas & Electric’s 1/1/2023 rate update, highlight a new residential SDG&E rate, and cover rate updates for Sacramento Municipal Utility District and several Oregon utilities. We also detail the addition of new NEM 3.0 rate versions in California’s IOUs and CCAs.

Introducing the new Energy Toolbase Pre-Proposal Service

Introducing our new Energy Toolbase Pre-Proposal Service, this service is designed to take the guesswork out of recreating your customer’s energy use profile and save time, time that could be spent selling more projects.

December 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter

Welcome to our last newsletter of the year! In this newsletter, we’ll look at Duke Energy Indiana’s transition from net metering to distributed generation, introduce a new feature for tracking Real-Time Pricing exports within a rate in ETB, explain how to find supply charges in …

October 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter

In this month’s newsletter, we highlight the continuing effect high gas prices have on electric rates, break down a commercial Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) bill, and more!

September 2022 Utility Rates Newsletter

In the September 2022 Energy Toolbase Utility Rates Newsletter we discuss PG&E new rate introduction, distribution factor update, new webinar series, new international utilities, plus more…