Webinar Recap: Decoding the Energy Storage Market in the Northeast – Massachusetts
- Tracy Fosterling
- Massachusetts storage, Northeast energy storage, SMART program
The renewables market in Massachusetts continues to heat up with energy storage becoming a lucrative opportunity within the Commonwealth. The state aims to make Massachusetts a national leader in the growing energy storage market, with a 1,000 MWh energy storage target by December 2025.
With Massachusetts following in the footsteps of New York in implementing aggressive climate targets, new programs and policies have been put into place which has stirred confusion among developers who want to incentivize their storage projects. In this section of the ‘Decoding the Energy Storage Market in the Northeast’ webinar, Senior Manager of Product and Technology and Massachusetts market specialist Quinn Laudenslager and Senior Director of Policy in the Northeast at Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Dave Gahl dive deep into some of the most valuable programs that are spurring behind-the-meter storage in the Commonwealth and how developers can most effectively utilize them. They get into the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program, Clean Peak Standard, Connected Solutions, and more.
- Tariffs & price signals in Massachusetts – 24:45
- Incentive programs in Massachusetts and why they exist (Clean Peak Standard, SMART, Connected Solutions) – 28:40
- Optimizing customer-sited energy storage in Massachusetts – 31:10
- The risks of storage incentives in Mass. – 34:55
- Policy overview of solar & storage in Mass. with Dave Gahl – 40:00