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WEBINAR: Exploring the value of custom rates


Utility rate structures are one of the biggest factors when analyzing behind-the-meter solar and energy storage projects and can have a dramatic effect on your avoided-cost, total project savings and the overall economics of your project. Not all customers installing solar/storage projects are going to be on the same rate structure; variances between them could be as small as adding a charge, or your customer has an entirely separate supplier. All of these things would require a custom rate schedule to be used in order to accurately model the projects’ economics. Energy Toolbase is the only platform that creates custom rates for our users. This webinar details when/why you might need a custom rate, global vs. custom rates and creating custom rates in Energy Toolbase.

  • Energy Toolbase rates database – 4:00
  • Global vs. custom rates, how are they determined – 4:35
  • Why do we need utility bills? – 7:04
  • Cases for a custom rate schedule – 8:49
  • Third-party suppliers – 9:45
  • Special programs – 12:45
  • Creating custom rates in ETB – 13:55

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