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WEBINAR: Hawaii’s Solar + Storage Market


Hawaii has set one of the most ambitious statewide renewable energy goals in the country, targeting to reach 100% renewable energy by 2045. Some Hawaiian islands are predicting that they may even reach that goal before 2045, which makes Hawaii a front runner in the solar market, but the market has gone through many changes, with the opening and closing of many crucial Net Metering (NEM) programs. This webinar goes in-depth into where the market stands today, how it got there, and what the future looks like for solar + storage in Hawaii. It also highlights modeling Hawaii projects in solar Energy Toolbase including Customer Self-Supply (CSS) and Customer Grid-Supply (CGS+).

  • Energy Toolbase in Hawaii – 2:15
  • Utilities & rates in Hawaii – 4:50
  • Hawaii’s Solar + Storage Market Outlook – 7:50
  • Residential & Commercial DER Programs – 12:00
  • DER Market Potential – 18:24
  • Upcoming Hawaii Policy/Legislation – 20:22
  • Hawaii Interconnection Data – 25:00
  • Case Studies – 29:00

  • Will Giese – Executive Director, Hawaii Solar Energy Association

  • Matt Cimo – Western Regional Sales Manager, Energy Toolbase

  • Marissa Kunsch – Utility Rates Analyst, Energy Toolbase

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